The VD mortar System
The VD mortar System
Note: Safety data sheet Thin joint mortar Maxit here
Thin Bed Mortar should be mixed with 7,5 Ltrs. of clean, cold water per bag - max 2 bags at a time. Mix thoroughly with a power stirrer and allow to stand for 10 minutes.
Mix until the mortar has a honey-like consistency or like a chocolate cream yoghurt.
Pour thin bed mortar into roller applicator. Roller should be thoroughly cleaned after use and lightly oiled to prevent corrosion.
Using the roller applies the correct amount of mortar to the surface of the blocks.
Position the next course of blocks with the interlocking profile fully engaged. Only use mortar on non-interlocking joints - cut joint, corner, abutments etc. Tap into place with a rubber mallet.
Unsure that a good even coverage has been achieved
Set the blocks
Perfect for self-builders
The new mortar System: The evolution to Brickwork 3.0
Available from JUWO
Videos and all informations here