A brickhouse: For better building and better living

18.11.2016 - Great view on the Cliffs of Moher with high efficiency by JUWO Poroton

That wonderful low energy house in was built in Inisheer, Aran Islands, Co. Galway, Ireland

Juwö Poroton-Werke takes over Zeller Poroton

A powerful manufacturer in the metropolitan Rhine-Main region as well as in Western and Southwestern Germany.

If you have problem, solve it and then get on and solve the next one

Interview with JUWÖ CEO Stefan Jungk in Journal Brick Industrie International

01.11.2016 - 100 % confidence: Checked and proofed by SIG

Checked and prooved by SIG

All products meet essential regulatory compliance. Checked and prooved by SIG

16.01.2017 - JUWO at the Bau 2017 from 16.01 to 21.01.2017

See you in Munich

from 16.01 to 21.01.2017

JUWÖ gewinnt den Großen Preis des Mittelstandes 2016
12.09.2016 - JUWÖ wins the german price of medium-sized businesses

JUWÖ was awarded as a prizewinner in the competition "Grand Prix of the Middle Class".

23.03.2015 - SWR Reportage über JUWÖ in "made in Südwest" (30 Min)

High-Tech aus Meeresschlamm

12.11.2015 - JUWÖ Ziegelwände gewährleisten Nachhaltigkeit beim Bauen

Zertifikat für nachhaltiges Bauen des Bundesumweltministerium
